How long does the coronavirus last on surfaces?

Current evidence suggests that novel coronavirus may remain viable for hours to days on surfaces made from a variety of materials. Cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is a best practice measure for prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in households and community settings.

Can antibiotics treat the coronavirus disease?

No, antibiotics do not work against viruses. The 2019-nCOV is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment.

Can I get sick from consuming food if the coronavirus was present on it?

Currently there is no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19. Like other viruses, it is possible that the virus that causes COVID-19 can survive on surfaces or objects. The four key steps to food safety are always recommended – clean, separate, cook, and chill.

How should you maintain social distancing to prevent the coronavirus disease?

During an outbreak in your community, protect yourself and others by: Staying home from work, school, and all activities when you are sick with COVID-19 symptoms, which may include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Keeping away from others who are sick. Limiting close contact with others as much as possible (about 6 feet).

What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are members of the coronavirus family of viruses — one of the many families that include viruses able to infect people and animals. Seven members of the coronavirus family can make people ill, one of which is the new coronavirus strain SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.

Is coronavirus the same as SARS?

No. The virus that causes COVID-19 and the one that caused the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 are related to each other genetically, but the diseases they cause are quite different. SARS was more deadly but much less infectious than COVID-19. There have been no outbreaks of SARS anywhere in the world since 2003.

Are the symptoms of the coronavirus disease different in children than in adults?

The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar in children and adults. However, children with confirmed COVID-19 have generally presented with mild symptoms. Reported symptoms in children include cold-like symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, and cough. Vomiting and diarrhea have also been reported.

What is the difference between coronavirus and COVID-19?

COVID-19 is the name of the disease caused by the new coronavirus that is called SARS-CoV-2, or sometimes just "novel coronavirus".